By Peaches
United Kingdom
I need some raspberry cane advice. I have a 5' x 11' space bordered by 2' paths. How many rows of raspberries can I plant along the 5' so I can reach them over the years and they don't get unmanageable.. one or two?
On plant
Raspberry cane size
28 Mar, 2010
Thanks. So they only grow about a foot wide?
29 Mar, 2010
Only about 6 inches if you keep them under control.
29 Mar, 2010
In the 5ft. you could plant 3 rows, 2 rows of summer fruiting and 1 row of autumn fruiting, 6 inches from the board, 2 ft between rows, 3rd. row 6 inches from the edge of the space.
28 Mar, 2010