By Thompsonr
United Kingdom
I have just cut a sqaure out from my pation and I am going to make it onto a small bed for a climber. I was just wandering weather I could just fill the hole with well rotted horse manure or wether I would need compost?
29 Mar, 2010
Hope you cut a reasonable size hole for the climber Thompsonr - what are you planning on planting?
29 Mar, 2010
Sometimes, if the soil is too rich then the plants can grow too fast and sappy, making them prone to damage from the weather and pests.
29 Mar, 2010
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I would mix them together, personally. I think that manure on its own might be too rich. I'd probably use two-thirds compost to a third of manure, depending on which climber, of course!
29 Mar, 2010