By Norts57
United Kingdom
I have cleared an area of approx 1/2 acre and intend to plant out with trees & shrubs. Problem is that it was covered with stinging nettles and they keep coming back!
Outside of using a strong weedkiller when they appear, can you suggest the best way to deal with them please.
Thank you
Andrew Norton
13 Jan, 2014
Hi, welcome to GoY, if the area is all dug over, then I don't think you have a choice but to take Anchorman's number 1 option, if you haven't already planted, you won't have to worry about the wind blowing it on to your shrubs or tree's.
Number 2 option is only available to you if the area is grassed, and option number 3, don't even go there, Derek.
13 Jan, 2014
If you don't have any nettles at all you will not get tortoiseshell butterflies either, so leave a patch somewhere for the wild life. I think red admiral caterpillars feed on them too. Good luck with the main control, they do take over rather.
15 Jan, 2014
Previous question
3 methods
Quickest - glyphosate based weed killer . One or two treatments will clear all nettles
Medium - Regular mowing-- will kill most of them
Hardest - just keep digging them up but on half an acre rather you than me!
13 Jan, 2014