I have found some sprin flowering bulbs in my cupboard
By Wendymacadam
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
I have found some spring flowering bulbs in my cupboard, can I still plant them?
1 Apr, 2010
Oops as Bamboo says rather late... Why were you keeping in a cupboard? Plant but don't hold your breath.
1 Apr, 2010
it depends on the best before date cause you could wait until next year
1 Apr, 2010
Charlotte if you leave a bulb out of the ground for over a year it will not do well. The bulb needs to be in the soil this year in order to receive the nourishment it needs to grow and flower next year.
2 Apr, 2010
I agree with Moon grower. When you plant them ASAP sprinkle some bone meal in the planting hole. It will encourage good roots and you might be lucky. I have some alliums which I haven't planted because it was either too cold or too wet for me to venture in to the garden. In answer to another question Moon grower recommends feeding with half strength tomato food when they are flowering/have leaves and she obviously knows what she is talking about. Click on her name which will take you to her home page click on outbox and run down till you come to "What to do with daffodils which do not flower" Good luck and welcome to GOY
2 Apr, 2010
Well you can, though they might not do anything ever, but its better to plant than just bin them.
1 Apr, 2010