By Jamesmac
United Kingdom
Has anyone seen my garden?
I had a garden here in kent, but it slipped anchor in the rain before Christmas, and floated down to East Sussex ,where I believe it drifted out to sea near Eastbourne .
According to admiralty charts it should be coming up the Clyde by weekend,so if anybody in Paisley sees my garden sailing past,( it's green and soggy, can't miss it )please let me know
Regards James
16 Jan, 2014
Maybe your garden decided it needed a holiday, and will return when it's well rested! lol:-))
16 Jan, 2014
Hi James, Glad you are still humorous but it sounds like a sad farewell! I am sure your beloved garden will emerge in spring and surprise you with its' resilience. Hope it goes overboard (pardon the pun) to prove it's as "tough as owld boots" and gives a spectacular show!
16 Jan, 2014
Reminds me of a film I once saw about the Floating Fields of Kashmir...
16 Jan, 2014
From your description I thought I saw it floating by near Irvine. When I looked closer I realised it was only Jimmy on his way home wearing a green beret who'd had a skinful ;o)
16 Jan, 2014
I do hope when the water goes down you will find it will still be there after all x
17 Jan, 2014
take heart from the fact many of the Hull gardens from the 2007 floods went on to recover well, with surprisingly few casualties. Spritzhenry's garden was severly flooded over a year ago and that recovered well too.
you have to laugh or you'd cry . keep smiling.
17 Jan, 2014
These things are sent to try us......and by God they do try us. Does anyone remember the SOS messages put out on the Home Service by the BBC? That service is no longer available but it brings back memories. Let's hope your garden returns in the is amazing what a few days of warm sunshine will do.......perhaps we may get some in the spring....who knows?
17 Jan, 2014
Hope it comes home soon ......
17 Jan, 2014
Unfortunately no, have you put out a missing garden appeal? Or posters? My next door neighbour has a garden they do not use i am sure they will let you borrow it!
16 Jan, 2014