Please tell me what this is
By Powderpuff94
United Kingdom
my Mum has this in her garden, it is out now and we do not know what it is tree/shrub? and i have been tol it is "Snow Mound" but it isnt, i bought one and its differant, this has very tiny dark green/ brown leaves and then these multi flowers on long stems, i would love one for my own garden but dont know what to ask for, please can you help.

22 Jun, 2008
Could you take a 'longshot' of it please? Also, how big is the shrub?
22 Jun, 2008
It's look like a Spiraea x arguta but we need to see the leaves becase the foto isn't clair
22 Jun, 2008
If all else fails ask for a cutting!
22 Jun, 2008