By Ricky
United Kingdom
onion sets when to put them in the ground ive been watching the long range weather forecast and it gives it showery the rest of the week but they wont grow sitting in a bag i think i should bung them in any advice
5 Apr, 2010
Depends on your soil temperature. If it is below 4˚ then there really is little point as the sets will just sit and possibly start to rot. I think it is going to be another couple of weeks before we plant tatties on onion sets. Better to plant them slightly later when the ground has warmed up - they will catch up on growth.
5 Apr, 2010
For your soil temp is 8 degrees, hence planting now....
5 Apr, 2010
then you are fine planting Alice, our soil is still too cold - apart from the bit we put the polycloche over and, given the gales we have right now, that is likely to be down in the morning again... I was doing one of my regular monthly 'growing with the moon' bits on one of the bBC local radio gardening programmes yesterday and the presenter agreed with me that where they were things are about a month behind.
5 Apr, 2010
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I would get them in.....I've planted mine over the past couple of days. The showers will water them in nicely......
5 Apr, 2010