United Kingdom
its end march and sent my plug plants to early are they ok in my greenhouse it is unheated
5 Apr, 2010
ive just put my young plants in growhouse so hoping no more frost now, like barbara said will just through bubble wrap over then if weather changes.
5 Apr, 2010
same thing happened to me with some geraniums 2 weeks ago, I potted them into cells and then covered with bubble plastic at night but now only cover if frost is forecast, they are fine at the moment. I was very cross as they were a month early
5 Apr, 2010
They should be ok. If you havn`t got fleece or bubble wrap good old news paper works as well. Snake
5 Apr, 2010
Should be, unless there's a frost - then throw a double layer of fleece over them.
5 Apr, 2010