By Kathyandjohn
United Kingdom
we have a 5ft cordyline which throughout the winter period we covered with bubble rap to keep frost free.
after uncovering it, we found that the leaves started to drop and the top of the trunck is very spongie. (have enclosed a photo)
Can anyone help us with this problem.......?
On plant
Cordyline australis

5 Apr, 2010
I know how you feel, I have lost five this winter and that is how they looked. I would chop the spongy bits off and just keep your fingers crossed but I dont hold much hope. My oldest one was about 10 years old and I thought nothing could of killed it because it was even in a shady place. Sorry.
5 Apr, 2010
Thank you all for your help... we are so upset at the moment, but we have also decided to try and save it.
If we cut it down by a foot and remove the bad part of the trunk can it recover?
5 Apr, 2010
apparently if you cut the top off it may well regrow with multi heads so worth a try ;o) also read you seal the cut with arbrex , guessing it may or maynot work, but it must be worth a go
5 Apr, 2010
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Previous question
the thing is bubble wrap can make a plant sweat if no air circulating, not sure if it will be ok or not, fleece is better cause air can still get in
5 Apr, 2010