By Great
United Kingdom
What plants attract Lady birds?
5 Apr, 2010
To be honest, I wish I knew the answer as I have still a small infestation of red spider mite on my Sollya heterophylla.
We have found quite a few inside the reed like stems of the shrimp plant as we cut back last years growth this weekend.
I'll be watching for constructive answers with interest as well.
5 Apr, 2010
Oh funny!!!!! ha ha ha. Actually I saw one today with a couple of bees
5 Apr, 2010
Meanie perhaps when it gets warmer we will see some!! I know you can buy them if you have a greenhouse. But I don't have one of those!
5 Apr, 2010
as fractal said only their food will attract them. they are carnivores and feed on all members of the aphid family.
5 Apr, 2010
i find loads on my anthemis punctata....
6 Apr, 2010
Thanks Sandra I will add them to my list
6 Apr, 2010
globe artichokes get lots of aphids and they dont seam to hurt the plant.
7 Apr, 2010
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Plants covered in aphids! Not as daft as it sounds as both adults and larvae feed on aphids and don't visit flowers per say as they are not interested in nectar or pollen.
5 Apr, 2010