By Sanbaz
staining blackpool,
United Kingdom
hi guys i have just been putting my rocks and pebbles around my pond so i need to know can i plant rockery plants inbetween the rocks and pebbles even though i have pond liner inderneath,
7 Apr, 2010
thanx owboggy, no not sedum as it seeds everywhere, eg, sandwort,arabis,thrift,erysimum, thats a few i have,
7 Apr, 2010
Ok, all those would need at least 4 inches depth of soil. The only Sedums which I have which self seed are S. acre and Sedum, kamtschaticum. S. spathulifolium in various forms does not, nor does S. yosemitense, both very good pond side alpines. Rosularia are good.
Avoid Silene maritima though, that is a terrible self seeding thug. Silene reptans is nice and of course any tiny Dianthus would grow.
7 Apr, 2010
thanx owdboggy will jot them down, the ones i have will place around edges in soil :o)
7 Apr, 2010
A good stanley knife is the answer.cut a cross in the liner and fold back the edges, dig out planting hole, (you can get some fabulous alpines Sandra) put in said plant and firm in put liner back around and then put your gravel back in place, you will have very happy plants.....
7 Apr, 2010
Lincslass, that's what I was about to say.
7 Apr, 2010
lol thanx sue and heron, will do, going to GC at weekend so will look for some alpine plants ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
Pleased to help Sandra......
7 Apr, 2010
Sandra remember that, in general, alpines like a cool root run and need free draining compost. However, the basic rock garden plants you mention should be okay with enough depth of soil. But don't let them sit with their feet in water!
7 Apr, 2010
thanx mrs MB, the area im talking about isnt actually close to water, ive made a really good overlap to make sure i dont get water under my liner again, so plants will be away from waters edge ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
I am so pleased that you are up and running again Sandra as I was so sad for you when your first pond effort went a bit awry. I am looking forward to seeing your alpines looking glorious.
Last year I had another go at planting up my kitchen sink garden as previously I had made one using lots of grit in with the compost but alas it all died out. I am pleased to say that my current one has survived the winter and only one plant left forever lol There are even some of them in flower. I will have to do a blog and introduce them to my fellow GOYers. All the best Sue x
7 Apr, 2010
thankyou sue, its all trial and error with planting here as ive not done anything along these lines before, look forward to seeing your blog :o))
7 Apr, 2010
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Depends really on how much compost you can get between the stones. The more the easier it will be for the alpines to grow. Sedums and Sempervivum for example will thrive on next to nothing.
7 Apr, 2010