under hedge
By Gwendas
United Kingdom
its me again that new novice gardener haven't had time to put anything on my blog but have got another question! In september i would like to dig under my lelandi hedge (there when we moved in!) and plant some welcome colour , maybe cyclamens? will they work there? Any other plant ideas and what I can do to soil there to improve it for the plants. Would helibores work as my late mum was very fond of them and I have no real other shade in my garden.
23 Jun, 2008
I think I would put in raised bed's. I hope those Lelandi dont get too big, we cut our's all down as the people at the bottom of the garden missed out on sun & light.x
24 Jun, 2008
I had a leylandii where I lived before I moved last year and I
grew some lovely mauve periwinkle under and it took off very well its worth a try it was looking lovely just before we moved
24 Jun, 2008
You will probably find that the area under your hedge is riddled with roots and it will also be seriously dry and under-nourished. Not a lot will be happy in that situation. You could make a flowerbed further into your garden - still in their shade - for your Hellebores etc.
23 Jun, 2008