West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i have a weeping cherry blossom in my garden, we have had it for 3 years and it doesnt seem to be growing. since we have had it, it has only blossomed once. i am not really a keen gardener and i am not sure if it is dead. any ideas?
8 Apr, 2010
And strimmer damage can take up to 3 years to kill a tree.
9 Apr, 2010
Thank you Tug - I didn't know that.
9 Apr, 2010
Well, the types with blousey blossom arn't out yet...and the leaves come after the blossom, so it's probably just still dormant. If you examine the stems closely you should find buds and if you break one off and pull it apart it should be green inside....if it's brown and dry then you have cause for concern.
Weeping cherries are always grafts. That is, the straight trunk is one variety of cherry and another variety - the weeping bit - has been grafted to the top of it. You will probably be able to see a glob of wax around the grafted area. These grafts can and do often fail unfortunately. You see a lot of cheap 'weeping' trees in shops that have been grafted very poorly. It may be that the graft has failed on your tree.
But wait and see, you might find life in it come spring proper. In the meantime, you should never allow grass to grow within 2ft of the trunk of a new tree and you should never use a strimmer around the base of a tree as this removes a ring of bark which kills the tree.
8 Apr, 2010