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East Yorkshire, United Kingdom

What should I do?
This Juniperus media 'Gold Coast'. It has been in the garden for 12yrs now and has suffered in the winter.
Lots of snow/cold damage. I dont know how to tackle it. I dont really want to dig it up.

On plant Juniperus



In the first instance, Sbg, cut out the obviously dead stuff and see what is left. If there appears to be enough green to grow into a respectable looking Juniper then tidy it up and watch it grow.If the remains look rubbish then you decide wether to take it out, or not.

8 Apr, 2010


It doesn't look too happy, does it - why not send a PM to Bluespruce? I don't doubt that Mr MB's advice is good, but Bs is our conifer expert, isn't he - he will probably be able to say if it's 'saveable'.

8 Apr, 2010


Thanks both. I have pm Bluespruce.
That was what I am tempted to do Ba but I didnt want to butcher it if there was a better way.

8 Apr, 2010


Looks too far gone, and if it were mine, I would dig it up and replace with something else. Bulbaholic's advice is good if you really want to go to all the trouble of trying to revive it, but there's no guarantee it would work, and could end up being time and effort for nothing.

8 Apr, 2010


Oh dear, Sbg, not good news. I think it may be 'bye-bye Juniper!' :-((

9 Apr, 2010


Yes I suspect it will have to go. But I will do it when hubby isnt in or he will moan about another trip to the tip! There is one good thing I suppose and that is that it will remove the hiding place for the cats. They sit in wait for the birds.

9 Apr, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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