By Fran44
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, my question is Mare's Tail please how do you eradicate it, this garden appears to be full of it and its coming up everywhere! Any help would be appreciated, thanks
10 Apr, 2010
I have it in my garden and it grows up among my plants so is difficult to get at. The only thing I find is the more you pull it up the weaker it gets so you get les of it as the season progresses.
10 Apr, 2010
I have been looking on the internet and all seems to point to any weed killer that is Ammonium Sulphamate based so you would need to check the usual brands out. Check this link
This is quite a good page that covers most common weeds
Hope this helps?
10 Apr, 2010
Mine gets in among the plants so cannot use weed killer?
10 Apr, 2010
Thanks everyone, I will take a look at the weedkillers but I have been pulling them up simply because they are in amongst shrubs, bulbs and plants, what a nightmare!
10 Apr, 2010
We have the same problem and I read that if you grow a few turnips where they are ,they will not grow anymore! I haven't tried it so I don't know if it is true, but one year I am going to try! My husband thinks I am nuts ha ha...
14 Apr, 2010
Had a look in my book and heres what it says in a nut shell.
A: You can try hoeing off the tops and planting a smothering crop, such as Nasturtiums. They can't compete with vigourous growing plants.
B: A heavy light excluding mulch.
C: Improve soil apparently it thrives in poor conditions so lots of organic matter
Hope this helps?
10 Apr, 2010