Put a flamboyant tree outside or leave it indoors?
By Netty
United Kingdom
Whilst on holiday in Cyprus at Easter I bought a pack of seeds for a Flamboyant Tree (Delonix Regia) & one of them has germinated and grown. It's now growing pretty quickly and I'm wondering whether to keep it indoors or put it outside in the garden (or in a pot)? I see that it's normally grown in hot countries so I'm wondering if it'll survive if I put it outside. Does anyone have any ideas please?
On plant
Delonix regia

29 Sep, 2007
We live on the south coast of Cornwall and very rarely get a frost and a lot of our garden is sheltered from any frost that does make it this far west (it's walled and south facing). Do you think it's still too risky to put outside?
29 Sep, 2007
I would imagine you'd be OK down there - but have some fleece ready just in case!
29 Sep, 2007
The RHS Encyclopaedia reckons it will only take a minimum of 7C
29 Sep, 2007
I am facing the same problem, I know I can't plant it outside. (living near Brighton, very frosty at times) This is a tropical tree. It can be huge, up to 60 foot, so is unlikely to be happy in a pot for long. How is yours doing?
I was reading a site with people discussing whether it can be grown in Southern California, consensus was NO.
11 Feb, 2008
I grow Delonix regia - Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant trees. This photo above is not a Delonix regia. Delonix has mimosa-type leaves only (all species).
Delonix regia WILL NOT TOLERATE FROST when young however, when they gain some height about 12 feet/4 meters they develop some hardiness tolerating briefly 34 degrees F. / 2 degrees C.... however, when mature they will take brief exposure to 26 degrees F / -3 degrees C. One other very important cultural requirement is when dormant...in Winter they absolutely demand dry conditions or they will rot and die.
19 Jan, 2009
this is not a delonix regia
cheers rod
26 Jul, 2009
Have to agree with Delonix and Rodstrees - having grown poincianas in every garden I've ever had. This is not a delonix regia. They do not have leaves like this.
26 Jul, 2009
I am a garden designer and landscaper specialising in creating tropical gardens here in London, or should I say tropical looking gardens.
It was delonix regia otherwise known as the Flamboyant Tree that first inspired me to a career in this particular field of garden design, when I first saw specimens growing in the Caribbean.
The word delonix in ancient Greek means hard to miss and in deed to see this tree in full flower is a sight to behold - absolutely breath taking.
Sadly, the tree really needs a full blown tropical / sub tropical climate to flourish. I have never heard of anyone having success with it on mainland Europe although it can be seen in the Canary Islands, Cyprus, Israel and Egypt.
In Miami Florida it is quite a common sight but go 180 miles north to Orlando and you will struggle to find one.
Really to be at its best and to flower freely it needs to be grown 30 degrees north or south of the Equator.
In the UK it is restricted to hot houses or maybe containerised in a warm conservatory, but I have never heard of anyone succeeding in the UK to produce the magnificent flowers. I would think you would need grow lights to stand any chance. Certainly, it is impossible to grow outdoors all the year round anywhere in the UK.
Fortunately, there is a close relative to this tree caeaslpinia pulcherrima otherwise known as Barbados Pride which is the national flower of Barbados. This is more of a shrub than a tree and needs to be cut back vigorously to stop it from becoming leggy, but it does produce strikingly similar flowers and the same lacy foliage and without impossible conditions. It will even flower after 2 or 3 years from seed on a windowsill. It can be seen growing in Zone 8, as far north as the Carolinas. In a hot summer in the micro climate of inner London this may prove to worth considering (see http://www.urbantropics.co.uk/caesalpinia_news.htm) and the roots at least should be hardy down to -5c 23f for brief spells.
26 May, 2013
Highly unlikely that it will be frost hardy. You could try putting it outside wrapped in fleece but it may be worthwhile giving it to someone with a LARGE conservatory!!!!
29 Sep, 2007