By Mikenichol
United Kingdom
I have some new dierama pulcherrimum plants and note that it says they hate dry conditions. Can you advise on a suitable site for them (ie full sun, full shade etc) and how to stop them drying out. Do they need boggy conditions?
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks. Reassuring!
12 Apr, 2010
mine is in a drish place and is ok. but equally a mate has them by her pond area in a boggy area.
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks. Reassuring!
12 Apr, 2010
Hmmm, i didn't know them to hate dry conditions.
All the literature i've read on them says they'll tolerate just about any conditions, mine are in a poor soil that's south facing and they're just fine !!!
I'll be interested to hear what other folks say :-)
12 Apr, 2010