The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Janm

Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Hi Everyone,
I love looking at all the fantastic photos of your gardens!! I have noticed that lots of you have beautiful, healthy, unnibbled at Hostas, either in tubs or in your garden beds. I adore Hostas and have had several for a good few years. They are all in pots and the pots are covered with gravel, in an attept to deter the slugs and snails! However, each year they end up looking skeletal, thanks to our slimey little "friends." :0 ( This year I am wanting to put a few Hostas into a newly made bed, in the middle of my garden, and I wondered if someone will kindly advise me where I've gone wrong in the past, and how to protect them if I do plant them in a bed. Thanks very much!! JanM X



Hi Janm I know how you feel,don't think you've done anything wrong in the past I have a few hostas myself although I like the plant the slugs seem to love them more than me,they really can make a meal of the leaves try putting some slug pellets around them make sure you don't get any on the leaves,welcome to g.o.y.

13 Apr, 2010


Slugs do not really eat Hostas, it is snails that do the damage.
Grow huge numbers of hostas. then the damage is not so obvious!

13 Apr, 2010


Slug pellets still help enormously, snails eat them too, Owdboggy - then you have to spend ages clearing away the empty shells...

13 Apr, 2010


Thanks very much for your answers! So there is no secret? I just have to keep trying? x

13 Apr, 2010


You could also try the nematodes which kill molluscs.

13 Apr, 2010


No secret, Janm, just vigilance, diligence and a container of slug pellets;-))

13 Apr, 2010


Thanks again Everyone for your advice x

14 Apr, 2010


Try putting some cat buiscuits around your garden near hostas. My wife put some out for cat, i went out at night and there were loads of snails around the bisucits. Done the same following day and sure enough more snails around them, picked them up and threw them onto road, caught loads of snails (honest)

13 May, 2010

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