United Kingdom
where to plant ? do i plant in full sun
On plant
Asclepias tuberosa
13 Apr, 2010
Takes frost okay--it grows in the northern Plains States--but it hates saturated soil and endless gray weather. Try giving it a south-facing slope, and mixing a lot of sand and a little organic matter with the soil.
14 Apr, 2010
Blimey, take your pick there, Guest, lol! Information I gave comes from Encyclopaedia of British Garden Plants and Flowers, so specific to Britain.
14 Apr, 2010
And I was going by what my aunt in Cleveland, Ohio does with hers! Guess that's why gardening is still considered half an art.
16 Apr, 2010
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Full sun, very sheltered spot, needs protection from frost, so either start of under glass in a pot, or in the house. Plant out at end of May.
13 Apr, 2010