By Cristina
United Kingdom
my lerbernim has not flowed yet ,its 4 years old i was told by gardener to feed wth tomartoe feed last year which i did but looks like not gona get any again ,help please
13 Apr, 2010
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How are you growing your Laburnum Cristina?
13 Apr, 2010
i am trianing it in to an arch wth the rose going tro it .i have seen it dun and it looks fab. at the vicaridge they said the ground was to rich as it was nxt to the old muck heap and to feed wth tomato feed to counteract it. have not pruned it since last year viv1.just tied it in
13 Apr, 2010
Christina if the ground is too rich the last thing you need to do is feed! This could be the problem... lots of leafy growth and no flowers is usual if the soil is too rich.
13 Apr, 2010
wot do u surjest i do ?
14 Apr, 2010
Don't feed it anything at all... it may not flower this year but hopefully will in future years. I trust the muck heap has been moved.
14 Apr, 2010
yes that was used 3 years ago ,it is now a veg bed and had cabbages in it last year they did very well. not fed tree up 2 now but there r roses nxt to it o dear i really wanted flowers this year.
14 Apr, 2010
The roses will do fine with the rich soil. Did you prune them well earlier this spring. In general plants do not do well in over rich soil lots of lush leaf and no flowers.
14 Apr, 2010
yes did prune them and they r looking gud ,have put some crap soil in the bed and mixed it up a bit . will keep posting on wot happens lol. you wud think that feeding is wot u do as thats wot they keep telling us . i use mirriculgrow once a week on the bank and any new plants. wot do u think. soil there is really rubish ,sandy and rubish underneath .did put bit of muk in planting holes. but i want this bit to b a woodlandie walk .
15 Apr, 2010
In general it is not a good idea to put muck in the planting holes. Well rotted compost and otehr organic matter is a different thing. Plants in pots need regular feeding, plants in the ground should get the food they need from the soil.
So what sort of soil do you have Cristina clay, sandy loam?
15 Apr, 2010
no i mean the well rotted stuf lol . the soil on the bank is really horrid .very dry and sandy . wen they planted the trees they put loads of crabby stuf under the and then threw a bit of top spil over it. its very compated ,was full of weeds and was hidden from the sun 4 years there r pics on ,but thanxs 4 info
15 Apr, 2010
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did you prune it late in the year ? you may have cut off flowering shoots - if not then i`m no help
13 Apr, 2010