By Kenmoody
United Kingdom
Thanks Wyeboy and Meanie for your responses. Sorry to be thick but what will I find under the bark if it's dead? Not looking too good though - thanks again.
14 Apr, 2010
OK thanks moon grower. I think I've got it. Definitely not a trace of a bud though and twigs seem brittle though I'll check the main trunk. Thanks again to all.
14 Apr, 2010
Sad to say I think it is an ex acer... God thing is you now have a chance to replace it with a new baby :-)
14 Apr, 2010
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Kenmoody when you scrape away a little bark if you see green then it is alive otherwise.... probably not. All our acers are showing good signs of buds and we are a lot further north than you.
14 Apr, 2010