By Rkalyan
South Africa
Organic remedy to control garden snails
14 Apr, 2010
People try all sorts of things like coffee grounds and broken egg shells - but with limited success.
14 Apr, 2010
Well Ian, if you use organic beer... Sorry Rkalyan seriously there is no 'organic' way of controlling slugs and snails that I know of other than encouraging birds to come and eat them. We gather them up and give to the hens... Blackbirds and thrushes are also keen eaters of slugs and snails but do their own damage to plants and throw plant labels all over the place.
14 Apr, 2010
A heavy foot or flying lessons!
15 Apr, 2010
I can't bring myself to kill snails so I throw them into the road and the nasty car drivers do it for me :-(. I suspect that all of the sensible answeres have already been given.
15 Apr, 2010
It's amazing how far a snail can travel to get back "home" so unless your flying lessons come complete with a passport then you will only be improving your aim as they will just come back again.
15 Apr, 2010
Not if they get run over first lol
15 Apr, 2010
Lol MG
15 Apr, 2010
I put them in the green bin, and hope they dont get out before its collected. this way the mulching machine, or what ever, crushes them for me lol
15 Apr, 2010
Thank you all I dont have too many just in one section of the garden im trying to use anything organic I know what you say about killing them I have put a few over the wall in the open clearing next to the house just to get rid of them also find it hard to kill them.
15 Apr, 2010
Gird your loins and just stamp on them!
15 Apr, 2010
Oh how I hate them.They just crawl back to my garden from anywhere or even from nowhere and cause massive harm to young plants.We just collect them up and put table salt over them.
28 Sep, 2010
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« Epsom Salts are they bad for plants roses especially do they burn the plant
Frogs, toads and birds are the only organic ways I know of. Some people swear by "beer traps" but I don't know how organic that is?
14 Apr, 2010