By Grahamxxxx
United Kingdom
I have just planted a 7 foot 3 stemed healthy sinensis in a 18 " by 18 " pot to train on my decking in a mixture of compost and soil with a bit of growmore and lots of sun , any other advise would be appreciated. Graham
On plant
Wisteria sinensis
15 Apr, 2010
I think a bigger pot would be better, if you can manage that, once it gets going. They can be grown in pots, but you will need to prune it radically twice a year (august and february). Initially, restrict the stems to one main stem, removing all and any others that try to grow as they appear. Chop that off at the top when it's the height you want, then allow the laterals (side shoots) to grow - cut back side shoots to six inches in August, then back to 2 buds on each lateral growth in February. Don't expect flowers any time soon though.
15 Apr, 2010