By Great
United Kingdom
What plants should I choose?, I have prepared the planting space. It is in semi shade. Lost of organic matter from my compost bins have been added. Want mainly a wildlife area. I need to concentrate on all year interest and not as my garden is at the mo lovely in late spring and summer. Had some suggestions already but what will grow well in Autumn and through the winter? This area is close to my kitchen window and is bordered by a 6 foot fence. It is not a dark and dingy area I am glad to say. What do you suggest?
16 Apr, 2010
Hello Potty. The depth from the side fence is 9 feet and the length (looking down the garden) is 10 feet. There is a fruit tree in the right front corner of the bed. It is a victoria plum tree on M26 rootstock. I have taken some photos of the area and will ask my girls tomorrow to upload them for me. This area will have some of the plants for Magic init but not all
16 Apr, 2010
Is there a reason you're calling me Potty, lol? I'll wait for the photographs before giving you a little list!
16 Apr, 2010
Oh Bamboo I am so very sorry, was talking to Pottygardener ealier, sorry..... grovel, grovel !!!!!
16 Apr, 2010
I cant wait for the list !!!! I absolutely love shopping for plants more than food shopping lol
16 Apr, 2010
Skimmias are good in part-shade, if you want some winter to spring interest. A bit boring through the rest of the year, but lovely for 6 months!
16 Apr, 2010
That'll do for me, thanks
16 Apr, 2010
Just realised thats the plant growing through the fence from next door, at the back of my house!!
16 Apr, 2010
You can get lots of different ones nowadays - but not until the autumn.
16 Apr, 2010
Do the birds like it Spritz?
16 Apr, 2010
Errr...I don't think so, but bees do!
16 Apr, 2010
How about an India Hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica)? Evergreen, pretty pink or white flowers in spring, and bird-friendly berries in fall and winter.
17 Apr, 2010
I have that, Tug, and it's not all that hardy - it was damaged in the cold this winter. I suppose it depends on how sheltered Great's garden is.
17 Apr, 2010
Windy tunnel comes to mind!! lol
17 Apr, 2010
Drat! I figured there was a chance, since it grows up to 1230 m elevation here in Arizona. Oh, well!
17 Apr, 2010
Nice idea - it's the chill winds that see it off....shame. :-((
17 Apr, 2010
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First question - what size is the bed you've created?
16 Apr, 2010