By Great
United Kingdom
This might seem a daft question. Are you ready?? Is there any plant that can be grown; (are you sure your ready for this??) to help keep a fence up? My neigbours fence is wobbly to say the least. It may come down and if it does it might distroy plants. Can said fence be held together by plants of any kind?
16 Apr, 2010
could you plant a hedge? not saying it would work but willow for example is fast growing and you weave it together as it grows to make a living fence, or put some supports in set at an angle and grow climbers up? no idea if it would work -just a couple of ideas-
17 Apr, 2010
Willow is a pretty ferocious root competitor, isn't it?
17 Apr, 2010
I was going to say Pyracantha, and maybe once it's established and tall enough, remove fence if you and your neighbour want to? It's very tough and prickly, nice berries.
17 Apr, 2010
how about bamboo the lengths you chop out to thin it you could weave in the vertical lengths and make your own woven fencing.
17 Apr, 2010
Sounds interesting Flowermanx1
17 Apr, 2010
I've had many shrubs and vines bring fences down, but never hold one up! Probably better to see if you can go halves with your neighbor on a new fence, Great!
17 Apr, 2010