By Patfran
United Kingdom
I have some medium sized shrubs that I would like to move, when is the best time to do this? My garden is very soggy at the moment, like everyone else's no doubt but it would be easier digging them up at the moment. Advice please. Thanks.
5 Feb, 2014
Oh Mossy, Marsh is about right this year!!!
Best to wait until the ground is workable thoughPatfran, as if its discturbed now it will affect the soil structure and may harden too much round the new planting as it dries out. (If it ever does!!)
5 Feb, 2014
Sorry, I meant March. Being French I sometimes make
5 Feb, 2014
I didn't realise you were French Mossy. But marsh is so apt at the moment with all the rain we have.
5 Feb, 2014
Apologies Mossy, but I hope you see the funny side!
5 Feb, 2014
Yes of course !lol
5 Feb, 2014
You will be ok doing it now so long as the ground is not frozen, i think March is when we are going to get a real taste of winter so now will be ok, before you start, work out where they are going and prepare the holes in readiness, work in some decent compost and mulch well.
5 Feb, 2014
I do hope March isn't too frosty Julien - so many shrubs are beginning to start into growth, they would be badly damaged by a hard frost. It did happen like that a couple of years ago.
6 Feb, 2014
Thank you everyone, all comments taken on board. (no not on board the Ark though I'm thinking maybe someone should build one!) lol
8 Feb, 2014
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From nov to marsh there is no problem in most casses.
Juste take a large mound (enought root ball )
put the right compost and soil ,compact it around and that is it.
5 Feb, 2014