By Gaia01
Midlothian, Scotland,
United Kingdom
Do slugs and snails eat Pulmonaria or will they leave it alone?
18 Apr, 2010
I think i'll get some of them then as I've decided to try to mainly grow plants that snails and slugs won't eat. I am fed up with them scoffing all my hard work not to mention the amount of money it costs to replace everything they have eaten. Thanks Seaburngirl.
18 Apr, 2010
They kept nibbling mine and they eventually disappeared after about a year or two of struggling but I wonder if it depends on the species, I had a narrow-leaved one - can't remember the name now, arrgh getting old!
18 Apr, 2010
I'll give them a go avoiding the narrow leaved one just in case. Thanks
19 Apr, 2010
they will nibble young growth but tend not to do much damage to them in my garden anyway.
18 Apr, 2010