By Scotkat
I have been asked by a friend to get rid of dandelions that is growing inbetween her slabs on her patio,
I had a look and she has a lot.
And not alot of room to get out with aweed knife.
Is there aq good weed killer for dandylions?
19 Apr, 2010
Thankyou will need to do this on not a windy day or rain forecast .
So this may be on hold untill weather settles.
Thanks again.
19 Apr, 2010
I put a line of table salt along the cracks between my slabs which works a treat at killing weeds but I guess with dandelions Roundup will kill right down to the root.
19 Apr, 2010
ideal for salads dandylions.
i read it in a book somewhere. but if not a good weedkiller
20 Apr, 2010
rabbits love them to.salt works realy well i think.
20 Apr, 2010
Thank you shall try salt first.
And neighbour of this garden children has just got young rabbits and hutch outdoors now.
Can they be given to young rabbits.
20 Apr, 2010
yes there good for them scotkat
20 Apr, 2010
if not find someone who does homemade wine or a tortoise.
That means not feeding the animals the homemade brew.
Dandielion wine is supposed to be quite nice
21 Apr, 2010
i think you can make wine out of just about can get dandylion and berdock i believe .
21 Apr, 2010
Previous question
I am a 95% organic gardener, Scotkat. Part of the five percent is Roundup used in situations like this. Make sure that it does not splash on any other plants or it will kill them also.
19 Apr, 2010