about my tree
By Maz
United Kingdom
I have a 15 year old Robinia frisia pseudoacacia in my garden-it has always been quite late coming into leaf, but this year leaves are very sparse & just in a few places. I have noticed others like this-is the weather affecting it? Or is it coming to the end of it's life. There are many dead brittle branches on it.
28 Jun, 2008
Thanks-yes we will give it until this time next year at least.
28 Jun, 2008
I also have a Robinia frisia and it has been very slow growing this year compared to other years
29 Jun, 2008
They do seem to suffer from dead branches/twigs. Can't really comment on whether yours is almost ready for the logburner. I've noticed several a bit sparse this year,too. Maybe give it another chance and a feed?
28 Jun, 2008