ما هى اسباب ظهور الازهار فى البطاطس
Asked from the GoYpedia
potatoes page
19 Apr, 2010
very smart moon grower i like it
20 Apr, 2010
Thx Bamboo hope it helps Guest!
20 Apr, 2010
i cant see bamboo lol
20 Apr, 2010
Previous question
Okay so using a translator you are asking 'What are the reasons for the appearance of flowers on potatoes'. The answer is:
جميع محطات إنتاج الزهور على الإنجاب ، ولكننا لا تستخدم ثمار هذه الحالة هولأنها سامة
All plants produce flowers to reproduce, but we don't use the fruits is this case as they are poisonous
19 Apr, 2010