By Aaliyah
United Kingdom
What is the best way to hide/cover an ugly looking fence that cannot be replaced due to a neighbours overlapping trees
19 Apr, 2010
A variety of clematis which is bright red and late flowering is Duchess of Albany. This will cover the fence. If you wish you could also plant another earlier flowering one as well.
20 Apr, 2010
Hi Aaliyah :) My Fence was ugly 2 on 1 side & would of cost me to much 2 replace it ! So i brought some rolls of Reed Screen & put in some Posts & wire to attach it 2 which now looks much better :)
20 Apr, 2010
Previous question
I would put some bamboo canes in front of the fence and grow runner beans up it. You will get lovely green foliage and red or white flowers depending on the type of bean. Then you can have lovely meals of freshly picked runner beans. This is what I do every year to hide our neighbours cemented garage which forms the one side of our garden. If you haven't got soil there to plant them in you can grow the beans in buckets, troughs or anything handy :-)
19 Apr, 2010