By Bulbaholic
Question Numbers.
How do you find a previous question if you are given its number?
Conversely, how do you find the number of a previous question.
Today a guest asked about blind daffodils and was refered to a couple of previous questions. How? I get frustrated by the number of time that the same question is asked by different guests and would be happy to just throw a number back at them
21 Apr, 2010
and me. unless we trawl through and then write the number in. sometimes you get similar questions appearing on the right of the questio. perhaps thats the short cut.
21 Apr, 2010
Hi, I think this was answered on question 20654
22 Apr, 2010
Maybe I'm being silly, but I'm not sure what the question is. I just tried it out and it seems to produce an auto-reply with a link to the existing question? The question number of this question is directly above where it says 'flag this question' underneath the question on this page ???
22 Apr, 2010
...underneath the 'answer this question' box there is a box which says 'answered before?' where you enter the relevant question number.
22 Apr, 2010
yes but we are asking how do you find the relevant question number?
22 Apr, 2010
If its fairly recent you only have to scroll through the last few pages, if its about a specific plant you can use the a-z, popular genus or topics section on the question/answer page under previously answered. I find it fairly easy to find things. Have referred one or two to previous answers about Cordylines this winter! :-))
22 Apr, 2010
I put the number into the custom search box at top of page.
22 Apr, 2010
Hi, I think this was answered on question 20662
Edit-Sorry I just put the number of your question in the 'answered before, box below-wondered what would come up :)
The above !
22 Apr, 2010
Weatherwise,I tried this too-ignore my previous comments lol !
22 Apr, 2010
This has puzzled me too Bulbaholic!
21 Apr, 2010