By Sussexsarah
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I would like more blue in my garden - specifically darker blues. Ideally I would like a blue flowering shrub that I can grow against a wall that has either evergreen or semievergreen leaves, and though I have a strong clay I am happy to enrich and the slope should provide some drainage. I can provide a sunny prospect.
What would you suggest?
22 Apr, 2010
How about a Ceanothus. There are a number of species and many cultivars to choose from. The trouble would be that it like a well drained soil.
22 Apr, 2010
SNAP, Mr MB!! :-))
22 Apr, 2010
:-)))) Great minds, eh!
A blue flowered Rhododendron might also fit the bill.
22 Apr, 2010
22 Apr, 2010
Thanks Guys much appreciated.
I will certainly be putting in a ceanothus and am not too worried about the drainage as I managed to get one to thrive in the last garden which was far less well drained at the top. Concha looks nice SpritzH, do you have any reason for preferring it to Puget's Blue which I am more familiar with?
On the blue rhododendrons I am amazed to find that I have never seen one. Are they really blue or a purple?
I think that I wouldnt be able to get one to thrive in the soil at the top end as my clay is not acidic - ditto a blue hydrangea though I may invest in a super-sized pot if I get really stuck.
What about a hibiscus. They look so cute, but I dont know how drained they need to be to make it through the winter?
22 Apr, 2010
isnt there a blue spirea or am I thinking of a different plant?
22 Apr, 2010
Yes, you can get blues, Sarah, though not really a true blue, but they might be challenging in your soil.
22 Apr, 2010
Caryopteris clandonensis is a good blue flowered late bloomer, will come out after the Ceanothus has finished and is a much smaller shrub, though not evergreen.
22 Apr, 2010
This is all very helpful. Its taking a bit of shape now in my head though as you say it does all sound a little challenging on the clay, perhaps I will have to raise an area. Bamboo what is your avatar? That is exactly what I am after.
22 Apr, 2010
That's a convulvulus, and its a trailer - can be trained up a fence, but it would need tying in, it's not a twiner or anything.
22 Apr, 2010
How about the 'bluest blue' shrub of them all - Ceratostigma? It blooms in late summer/autumn.
I said 'Concha' because it's reputed to be one of the darker blue ceanothus, Sarah. By the way - Convulvulus sabatius isn't hardy in my garden! I love it, but I have to treat it as an annual.
22 Apr, 2010
Caryopteris is what I was thinking of bamboo. ta
22 Apr, 2010
Thanks guys. At present the border I am thinking of is full of aquilegia so I am going to wait till it flowers then pull out all those horrid mucky fleshy coloured varieties. That should create plenty of room!
23 Apr, 2010
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Ceanothus 'Concha'?
22 Apr, 2010