By Scotkat
Anyone going to Chelsea flower show or even been before?
23 Apr, 2010
Not Chelsea bu we'll be at Gardening Scotland
23 Apr, 2010
Yes, twice, much prefer Hampton Court Palace Flower show, less congested !
23 Apr, 2010
Fancy the flower show but not the crowds. Never been, Scotkat.
23 Apr, 2010
I went once...about 2001 I think....I mostly remember the crouds and lack of places to sit down!!
23 Apr, 2010
Yes, wear some very comfy shoes!
23 Apr, 2010
Yes do fancy but not all day feet would not standy it.
Been looking at flights and trains to see cheapest way doon.
Had heard Hampton Court not so congetested.
And been to Gardening Scotland many times on my doorstep so to speak.
Need toget my scates on if I am going.
24 Apr, 2010
You might find the tickets are sold out by now (-
24 Apr, 2010
I've been and loved every minute :-)
There's a lot of walking involved and it's exhausting - a great day though !
24 Apr, 2010
yes ive been twice , but definately a lot of walking , definately take your camera, you might bump into a celebrity gardener , i know i did, Percy Thrower and Alan Titchmarsh.
A bit hard on the feet though.Take a packed lunch tho , it can be very expensive buying the food there and the drink.But i will say this its worth going to visit the show, and getting ideas
24 Apr, 2010
I went in 2008 and enjoyed it very much too.Like Amble alice says,tickets will probably have been all sold now,and you cannot pay at the gate...ticket only.
you could try e.bay,to see if any for sale? don't know how much it is now,but 2 years ago,it said £40 on our ticket,but it was part of a 4 day holiday,with ticket included.
24 Apr, 2010
Yippee just booked online for our all daytickets on the Friday for chelsea .
I am so excited .
25 Apr, 2010
Don't forget the camera, Scotkat :-)
25 Apr, 2010
We wont anyone else going:)
25 Apr, 2010
Thats good news scotkat,you will have lovely day out.Lucky you.We went on the Saturday,as we went to Hampton Court and Wisley,on the friday.I bet you can't wait ...:o))
25 Apr, 2010
First time ever if I lived closer would be going to all.
25 Apr, 2010
Chelsea is brilliant...i liked it better than Hampton Court, though i loved it too...You'll have a great time...:>)
26 Apr, 2010
I am just so excited Motinot .
26 Apr, 2010
Have a nice time :-)
26 Apr, 2010
Thankyou Sid :) I am on a high just so chuft .
27 Apr, 2010
I think I feel an excellent blog coming on? : ))
No, seriously have a lovely time, and take some food and drink, I'm sure it will be fab.
28 Apr, 2010
Thankyou Weeding and plenty photo shall follow.
28 Apr, 2010
...and something to sit on might come in handy!
29 Apr, 2010
I was there in was a magical experience......
23 Apr, 2010