By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have got a Japanese maple that is just starting to show its leaves. I need to move it from a flower bed into a tub will it be ok to do now or have I left it too late
24 Apr, 2010
Though, if you can, it is better to wait until autumn... otherwise you may lose all this years leaves.
24 Apr, 2010
Its Not very big about 14/18 inch the reason that it needs to be moved is to make way for a veg plot
25 Apr, 2010
Previous question
You can do it now - I'm assuming its not very big, as you want to put it into a tub. Dig round it carefully, try not to break the roots, keep a good rootball around the main part. Water thoroughly and keep watered.
24 Apr, 2010