By Womble13
United Kingdom
Tulips - i planted some tulips this year and despite planting them all at the same depth and same width apart. About half decided not to flower, does this mean i have dud bulbs and should get rid of them or is just a case the plant was shy this year and will mostly likely flower next year and i should leave them alone?
24 Apr, 2010
Sorry Womble, can't help with your question, but your avatar pic looks just like my cat Holly....:o)
24 Apr, 2010
Hi Womble there seems to have been a high incidence of 'blind' bulbs this year - possibly due to the winter and perhaps bulbs not being planted deep enough. Leave the foliage to die back naturally, water with half strength liquid tomato food regularly until the foliage dies down. I certainly would not dig them up as they will have established little roots to draw up moisture and nourishment. Hope they do better for you next year.
24 Apr, 2010
I also think the relatively cool wet summer has prevented some bulbs from 'ripening' ready for flowering. But Yes MG I am sure the cold winter has had an effect too. Must say my tulips are the best they have ever been.
24 Apr, 2010
thanks mg and sbgirl. i was hoping to move them to a different location when they die back, will this effect the way they grow?
DD, how strange you call your cat holly, i called mine molly.
26 Apr, 2010
You can move once the foliage has died back, in fact you can lift and store in dry soil in a pot if you want and then replant in September - but better to replant straight away if you can.
26 Apr, 2010
I'll be interested to hear replies/answers to this because i had one lot that didn't flower aswell, just had leaves :-(
24 Apr, 2010