By Trevmitch04
United Kingdom
Have a young climbing rose facing south to west and on some leaves are yellow in colour. What does this mean??
9 Feb, 2014
Does Epsom Salts work for other plants too? I have lost two exhorchorda in the past two years. Each of them went yellow before they died and I tried to feed them iron sequestron. Thanks
9 Feb, 2014
Nannijii: Exorchorda does not like thin, chalky soils - these are usually alkaline, and extreme alkalinity does stop a plant from taking up magnesium. Improve your soil by adding humus rich materials (garden compost, well rotted animal manure, etc.) and then try planting it again the enriched ground. Epsom salts may, or may not help, it's more likely a ph problem.
9 Feb, 2014
Thanks Bamboo..
9 Feb, 2014
yes epsom salts will work with all plants that are lacking magnesium, but as bamboo says pH is an important factor to consider for healthy plant growth.
9 Feb, 2014
Are they new leaves or last summers? If last summers they are losing their green pigment before being dropped off the plant. Nothing to worry about. If they are new this spring then it sounds like a mineral deficiency. Epsom salts contain the element magnesium that the plant needs to make the green pigment, chlorophyll. So a teaspoon of salts in 1/2 gallon of water, or 1/2 teaspoon of salts sprinkled around the plant and watered in [rain will do!] will perk it up.
9 Feb, 2014