By Aitch131
West Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
i have got this flower in my garden and seems to have taken over everywhere. its got a white flower, and i say it smells like garlic, my neighbour says like cats pee. i have dug one up and it has a round white bulb, the more i seem to dig up the more sprout up. what is it and how can i get rid. weed killer dont work.
24 Apr, 2010
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invasive plants
See my blog on Alien Allium. To do an ID. Bulbaholic says my plant is called Stinky/king Willie and grows by a burn near him. It is flowering now ,on long thin stem, with a pointed bud and small, barely noticeable white flower. It is an absolute pest in perennial beds as it gets in among things. Hope this is helpful. I have used roundup in amongst woody stems like Spirea earlier in the season. One patch is still unplanted, and frequently hoed. Will be planted later with easily moved plants. The tiny baby bulbs will still be lurking. To pop up early next season.
25 Apr, 2010
I don't there's an easy solution, If your garden is nicely laid out and it's coming up amongst your other plants then you've a problem. The only way I can think of is to to remove existing plants from your garden (one area at a time) and dig them out. Then sow annuals until you're happy that they've all gone. sorry I can't be more optimistic.
25 Apr, 2010
try not watering the plant for a bit longer than usual but keep watring the others so they have a better chance of pushing it back
25 Apr, 2010
glycophosphate weedkiller applied after flowering is often a good method as the plant stores the glycophosphate in the bulb. It then kills the bulb during the bulbs 'rest' underground. It is more effective than just a knock down weedkiller.
25 Apr, 2010
anybody got apicture of it so i know if i'm on the right tracks.
also, its not amongst flower beds, is actually between th eflags on my patio. i have not long moved in to my house, well few years now, and the back garden was the least of my worries. i have taken up all of the overgrown bushes and taken away the 7 small trees, and was looking ok ish, then these things sprouted from nowhere. looks a bit like a snowdrop with a foul smell
25 Apr, 2010
Best that you provide the picture of what is there between flags on your patio.
26 Apr, 2010
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its wild garlic you can eat it and use it in your food you know.not sure short of putting a membrane over it what will mite be growing the other side of your fence which definatly will make it even harder im afraid to say.someone else on here mite have a better idea than me . take care bye for now.
25 Apr, 2010