By Connor
United Kingdom
How do you stop snails eating plants without harming them?
25 Apr, 2010
thanks although I am near a busy road so I hardly ever get frogs or hedghogs
25 Apr, 2010
i usually allow them my hostas, a favourite of thiers, although when i see how others hostas look sometimes think i should change my tactic.i also sometimes collect them and put them out into the back lane, not sure though whether they just then make thier own way back for the tasty treat i grow for them!
25 Apr, 2010
Since my Hosta has matured I find its no longer eaten! I think thats so sweet April, I expect they think they will be treated kindly so come straight back?
25 Apr, 2010
Get a plastic bottle around the bottom of the plant and try sticking copper slug/snail tape around the bottle this should keep them off any tubs just stick the same tape around the tubs. I tried doing an experiment with some empty tubs and you can see the trails up to the tape but none beyond so it looks as though it works
25 Apr, 2010
thanks this will realy help
25 Apr, 2010
my husband gives them flying lessons.
You will never stop snails or slugs eating leaves .
But one good deterent is the large Marigold plants, snails and slugs hates the smell and it works
25 Apr, 2010
My large marigolds are the first target then the hostas in my garden. Personally if I find them the slugs go underfoot and the snails get their shells broken and are left for the thrushes.
25 Apr, 2010
You cannot have snails without them eating? I dont use anything in my garden to prevent slugs and snails except nature. I wait and let Frogs and Hedgehogs keep mine under control. Also I put a thick layer of grit/eggshells around new plants or susceptible emerging growth such as Dahlias. Just out of interest! what I thought was slug damage on early bulbs this year may have been bird damage according to Goy members.
25 Apr, 2010