By Clairey
United Kingdom
does diluted tea help roses grow? Have just moved in to a new house and i know little about gardening, i had a dead looking climbing rose growing up side of my house. My ancient nan came round and told me to cut it right down and feed it with diluted tea. The rose has grown so much is this normal or is my ancient right? she is 97 and still very much alive n kicking !
25 Apr, 2010
Maybe this is why they are called tea roses....:o)
25 Apr, 2010
There are horse stables right opposite me, i dont think i will have a problem.
Thank you for replies.
25 Apr, 2010
A word about horse muck - make sure it's been composted for two years before applying to the soil. You can also buy specialist rose foods, like Toprose.
26 Apr, 2010
ok shall have a look next time i pop into the garden centre, thank you, can't wait to see what colours i get.x.
26 Apr, 2010
Good old wives tales!!.
Yes it can help i know my grandmother used to tell us this , and so did my late dad.
If you can get hold of some horse muck that would be good as well.
Local farms or farm shops or if you know someone with horses , it would be a great help
25 Apr, 2010