Clairey's Profile

About me
I am 33 and have recently moved to a beautiful village in norfolk with my amazing 4 year old daughter and the best dog in the world.
I love gardening but dont really know what i am doing, if it looks like a weed or looks dead its out. Hence why i have joined this website.
I love drawing and painting, but don't have much time to do either as the house needs redecorating in every room and the garden is a mess, there is also a big pond in the front garden which attracts so many birds and wildlife.
In the back garden i plan to have a veg patch, but am not sure i will get time to get it up and running this year.
I love life in the country, i wish i'd moved here sooner but wouldnt have got the beautiful house i have now, when i wake in the morning all i hear are the birds singing, and when i go to sleep i hear nothing except the occasional owl.
Im hoping with your help and knowledge i will end up with a great garden that this house deserves, have made a start, if you want to have a nose have added some pictures of what i have done so far.
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Joined in Apr 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Norfolk