Mulberry leaves with brown spots.
By Chrispook
Pest county, near Budapest,
My Morus Alba is developing lots of ugly brown spots on its beautiful leaves. It did the same thing 2 summers ago and it was so bad I had to remove and burn all leaves in mid summer which looked very odd. I tried anti fungal spray but I'm not sure if it is a fungus. Last year it was a lot better but this year it's not looking goood. Is there anything I can do to stop this so that I don't have to take all its leaves off again.

29 Jun, 2008
Thanks for the advice Marhea. I will take off all infected leaves and use anti fungal treatment and pray. Interestingly our summers are usually very hot and dry but this year we had more rain than usual in Spring and early Summer, and 2 years ago we also had more rain in Spring so this fits with what you say.
30 Jun, 2008
Please don't use anti-fungal treatment. Let nature take it's course. If the plant's not going to survive in it's location without poisoning everything around it (fungicides are not specific), then what's the point?
We now add nothing to our garden (just home made compost) and leave everything to nature (as that's what its supposed to be) except pruning and microrhizzal fungi. All our old problems, slugs, snails, aphids, cataerpillars etc have all gone completely. Moreover, the plants grow slower and stronger, so less pruning.
Leave everything well alone.
Que Cera Cera, whatever will be will be. The futures not our to seal. Que Cera Cera.
24 Jan, 2009
Hello Chrispook
Most probably a fungus called Anthracnose and caused by the fungus Gleosporium which is bad in rainy springs. Light brown spots that then run into each other and eventually cause leaf death
If the spots are reddish brown then it could be the fungus Cercospora again thei ois bad in rainy seasons
If the spots are at first looking water soaked then t=it could be a bacterium called Pseudomonas The spots become sunken then the leavesbecome distorted and the tips wither and die
I think it will be the the fungi judging from the picture
Chemical fungicides will help if sprayed in a rainy season
1)when the leaves start to open
2)when the leaves are half open and then
3)when the leaves are full open
Burn all infected leaves
Good luck
30 Jun, 2008