By Brian12
i bought scadoxus multiflorus bulbs (aka fireball lilly) in febuary..but i cannot getn them to root.they had a small bit of blue mould on them but they were hard and i dusted them off and planted them however i dug one out of their pot and discovered that the mould was getting i dug them up again and cleaned them.any ideas?
25 Apr, 2010
Try dusting it with cinnamon, that works with amaryllis.
26 Apr, 2010
Previous question
It sounds like some sort of Amaryllis-mold this occurs when you keep your soil too wet these need very well drained soil I have about 10 various Amaryllis bulbs and the potting mixture that seems to work for them seems to be about 60% compost 30% sand and 10% perlite you must water them sparingly until they produce leaves do not forget that these com from almost arid conditions in South Africa and they can withstand drought conditions. Have a look at the link
Hope this helps
25 Apr, 2010