By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have got one of the plastic potato grower that the base slides up to get your crop of potatoes unfortunately I have lost the instructions on how to grow potatoes using this so far the potatoes leaves are about 5/6 inch high am I right in saying I need to up with compost/soil as they grow
27 Apr, 2010
Haven't seen this type before,but ,yes you do need to top up as they grow,and need to keep the foliage covered yet,as it has forecast frosty nights for later this week,and coming colder.If it gets frosted,it will blacken the foliage,and kill them.It is still very early to leave them unprotected.Could you move the grower into a shed or greenhouse,or cover them ,till cold spell is over ?
27 Apr, 2010