By Barryjohn137
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have restricted mobility and I want to remove some raspberry canes in order to create a raised bed to grow salad. I realise there's no easy answer to this but how can I get rid of the raspberries?
17 Feb, 2014
Or advertise them first on Freecycle and say the taker must dig them up. Then there will be less work digging out the runners that are left.
17 Feb, 2014
I've had the rhizomes problem already Bulbaholic. I planted them in the first place because they are my wife's favourite soft fruit! I'll take your advice and get someone in to help my in the first instance and then try to chase them down as they appear afterwards. The things we do for love!
17 Feb, 2014
if only it was just growing raspberries :o))
17 Feb, 2014
Previous question
Probably the best thing to do, Barry, is to get someone in to help you. Raspberries produce rhizomes, shallow roots that spread out sideways and sprout new plants. They spread for great distances and unless you get them all out you will get raspberries popping up all over the place.
17 Feb, 2014