The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Lily2

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Can anyone identify this plant please

I bought it in a little shop and was told it was "silver shamrock" but obviously this isn't the botanical name.



I googled silver shamrock and it came up with this - Oxalis adenophylla

30 Apr, 2010


Yes I agree its a Oxalis adenophylla

30 Apr, 2010


Thanks Weatherwise and Denise. I don't know why I didn't think of 'googling' it!

30 Apr, 2010


I agree to. its pretty!!

30 Apr, 2010


Cos all of us are just as good as google lol

30 Apr, 2010


Let the corms (look more like 'shrimps') totally dry out over summer if you are keeping in a pot and then repot in late July early August.

30 Apr, 2010


Who needs google when there's GOY, Great!
Thanks for the care advice MG. Does that mean it won't flower for much longer this year? Presumably not completely hardy either?

1 May, 2010


mines has survived this last winter in my alpine garden [under 20inches of snow and ice for 4weeks] I was surprised and very pleased to see it appear again as it is such a pretty flower.

1 May, 2010


It isn't hardly in the open ground as it does not like winter wet but as Helen says will survive fine in a cold alpine/greenhouse which is where ours live. (Mr MB & mine that is). Should flower for a few more weeks yet Lily - fingers crossed we may have an Oxalis to take to the Aberdeen Show in two weeks time. But it is all a matter of when it decides to flower lol!

1 May, 2010


I must have been lucky then as mine is in an open outside bed in my garden which was subjected to temperatures of -20degrees this winter. I was surprised but overjoyed when it started growing again a few weeks ago.My only casualties are all my cordylines and fatsia japonica which is very sad.[they are convalescing at moment to see if new shoots appear!!!! ]

2 May, 2010


Hi Helen I misread your response! And I was having a senior moment Lily this one is fully hardy and can be planted in the garden and will survive fine - sorry...

2 May, 2010


This is the third time I've attempted to post a comment, I 'submit' correctly but then it doesn't appear. Maybe I'm having senior moments too ! Thanks Helen and MG, I'm glad to hear it is fully hardy as I would like it to replace the Sedum 'Coca Cola' which I bought last year but didn't survive the winter. The place is a very small area where a paving slab has been removed, do you think I should improve the drainage and if so, what with? I have no experience with alpines. Good luck with the Show MG

2 May, 2010


no problem MG ,like you I suffer from the same" complaint "!!! lol

2 May, 2010


Hi Lily I'd dig out a spades depth of soil, break up the soil at the bottom with a fork, add some grit and the put the soil back in along with a some grit and something like composted bark (or whatever the heck it is we can now buy - soil improver I think!). No matter what have fun!

2 May, 2010


Thanks MG, at £1.25 it's not much of a loss if it doesn't work out but perhaps I'll wait till it dries out a bit - been raining all day here!

2 May, 2010


Ah but the fun of getting something to thrive!

2 May, 2010


OH YES! :o)))

2 May, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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