By Justvera
United Kingdom
Chrysanthemums ?
The early flowering chrysanths which I left in the ground over winter,are not yet showing any growth. Do you have any that are showing life ? I did not want to disturb them if they are trying hard. ( My late flowering ones which were in the cold greenhouse ,four out of the six I bought,are fine although two have died )Last year was my first attempt at growing them and they were beautiful,large headed and I was looking forward to propagating more. Great for cutting for the house.
30 Apr, 2010
Yes, mine are OK, Justvera. .
30 Apr, 2010
Spritzhenry,how do you know they are OK ? are they peeping through the ground ?
30 Apr, 2010
Yes, there are shoots on all of them, about 4" tall.
30 Apr, 2010
Aah, that is what I needed to know ! I think it is time for me to dig one up and settle the matter. Can they normally be buried quite deep to protect them ?
Two big losses this year ,my bees all died in their hive during that last freeze.
Thank goodness for the brighter side though.Everything looks good in the greenhouse and lots of stuff ready for hardening off.
Thankyou Spritzhenry
30 Apr, 2010
No - they just wouldn't come back any better if you planted them deeply...maybe they weren't hardy enough to survive? You could pile straw over the crowns next winter...???
30 Apr, 2010
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On my plot, i've only one left out of 18, squirrels eat lots of them in the winter, frost killed the rest, dahlias are a write off as well.
30 Apr, 2010