By Jjulieallam
United Kingdom
Hello, I'm fairly new to allotment growing - started last year. Have planted out this year's early potatoes in a different spot to last year, but have noticed that in the spot I had them last year, new potatoes are growing there again... what do I do with them? will they be ok?
30 Apr, 2010
Welcome to GOY by the way!
30 Apr, 2010
When you were digging them up last year you missed one or two tiny potatoes these have grown on to produce a plant... to be honest it is unlikely you will get anything of a crop from them but you never know - and welcome to GoY too!
30 Apr, 2010
welcome to GOY, J.
Moongrower, can i ask, how come the plants won't produce crop? or at least are unlikely to? do the seed potatoes need to be a certain size? just wondering as planning to save a few of my crop this year to plant next year.
30 Apr, 2010
In my experience yes the seed potato need to have enough energy. It probably depends on the size of the potato that was missed! We certainly have missed digging up tubers and then had them sprout and grow tatties the next year!
30 Apr, 2010
thank you. so, another question (sorry you probably get fed up of me asking q's all the time!) what size should i be looking to save? or should i just try to pick a few that are roughly the same as the ones planted this yr?
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Louise ask away we'll answer questions as well as we can! Whilst the time may come when we have to I would not sae any of our potatoes to use for seed. There is always a risk of blight and other diseases if you use your own tatties for seed.
30 Apr, 2010
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if your anything loike me you'll always find the odd one that you dont dig up. Harvest them when there ready. Don't worry about it. Its not worth it!! I grow mine in bags now so that I can find them all lol
30 Apr, 2010