By Spritzhenry
West Somerset,
Please could someone ID this plant for me? It was given to me last year by a lady who didn't know its name - and to my surprise, it has survived!

1 May, 2010
Looks like Tiarella to me Spritz - correction, Tellima, as mentioned above - having a senior moment here, one of several...
1 May, 2010
They are related though,very nice freebie Spritz :)
1 May, 2010
Ooh, I dunno about that Aster - I planted this in a shady area in a garden 20 years ago - within five years it spread absolutely everywhere - take my advice, Spritz, and chop the flower heads down before they let their seed go - prolific seeders they are.
1 May, 2010
Yes I suppose it's a case of "one mans' weed is another mans' ground cover" lol :)
1 May, 2010
I'd go for Tellima grandiflora too. Mine are just coming into flower too. seeds freely too. I love the smell, reminds of the sweets floral gums from my childhood.
1 May, 2010
So it's a shade plant is it? Oooops! She had it in a sunny border, so that's where I planted it, too. I'd better move it!
Thanks, all. :-)))
1 May, 2010
I do have some in my only sunny bit too and it is doing fine. so it is up to you spritz. I sent you a pm by the way. but told you the wrong blog it was the earlier one.
1 May, 2010
I have it and I do try to remember to cut the flower stems to prevent self seeding. It is a member of the Saxifrage family of plants. Did you know or is anyone aware of the Saxifrage Society. It is based in Somerset.
1 May, 2010
No? I'll have to find out about it.
1 May, 2010
I have this too, mines just developing flower stems too tellima grandiflora (fringecups) seeds around here too, didn't know it had a scent SBG I'll be on my hands and knees in the wood when the flowers open,lol.
1 May, 2010
If it doesn't mind sun, I shall leave it where it is! It'll have a job seeding itself - it hasn't got much room to do it. LOL.
1 May, 2010
This is a bit of goldilocks. If it can't find a space in one bed it tries all the others. Great for your 'open days' plant stall.
1 May, 2010
That's good - I have a line of pots already! I've potted up a lot more than last year....but it's for charity, so I'm hoping somone will buy them. :-))
You'd laugh - I spot a seedling of something and out it comes, straight into a pot!
1 May, 2010
I planted over one hundred seedlings of Alchemilla Mollis in pots at Suntrap yesterday so I know the feeling.
1 May, 2010
Now that 'is' a lot of seedlings! ;-/
2 May, 2010
Previous question
Tellima grandiflora ?
1 May, 2010