ugiay fenc
By Truds
United Kingdom
r neibour has put up a 7ft fenc btween r house and thers can any1 sugest something 2 hide it. all coments welcome. truds
2 Jul, 2008
Can you put wires on it or even better, a trellis? Then you could grow all sorts of climbers to beautify the drab fence!
2 Jul, 2008
I agree with Spritz. Theres such a choice of plants that can grow up against a fence, you just need to suupport them a bit. Clematis is a great favourite, then theres variagated ivy, and winter jasmine for winter colour. In the summer you can add annuals like morning glory. The list could go on. Obviously you need to avoid something very big and vigorous that might pull the fence down.
2 Jul, 2008
Euonymus fortunei has some varieties that are self-clinging too - 'Silver Queen' and 'Emerald Gaiety' spring to mind
2 Jul, 2008
Cotoneaster horizontalis will grow up against the fence without any wires. We have it growing up the side of a building and its lovely.
2 Jul, 2008
I think 2 meters is the maximum a fence can be.
2 Jul, 2008